Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Too Fast, or Innocence

Today in Malay class, everyone was making noise as usual, so Cikgu Tas (my Malay Teacher) was beginning to lose her voice.

"Kenapa kamu semua ni begitu bising oh?", she asked in a strained voice. So I, being the nice kind sensitive boy I am, said,

"Pigi minum air lah, cikgu."

Then my friend turned around to me and mouthed, "Puasa."


Realisation dawned on what I had done, so I quickly went, "MAAF CIKGU, BETUL BETUL MAAF NI." She just looked at me with big eyes and looked away.

"Nampak ni, tau juga cikgu puasa, tak boleh minum air, masih juga membuat bising." After that everyone started to make a little less noise (just a little bit).

So yeah, I completely forgot it's bulan puasa, or Fasting Month for the Islam. Not being back home in Malaysia made me forget that we aren't supposed to drink in front of them, or whatever, but it's way different here, because still most of the food stalls downstairs in the S.A.C (Student Activity Centre, I don't know why they can't just call it the canteen like other normal schools) are open, whereas back home I'm sure that one of the stalls has closed down now, and the students who are Muslim have to go to hall and pray, or something.

Sorry for being so insensitive! May your fastin bring about great change in Malaysia, people.

I'm basically fasting lunch everyday :)

1 comment:

JoShUa Ho said...

OMG Nigel you're so mean. But I don't think they care in Singapore.