Wednesday, April 13, 2011

TCSJ, or Like a G6

So for those of you who aren't in the know, I'm conducting my life in KL right now. That's right, conducting. I see this year as a big buildup for the grand finale at the end. This year is practically the most important year of my life, and so it should be!

College life is no easy matter. It's great, and it's fun, but it's a whole lot of work too, especially if you're taking South Australian Matriculation (SAM). SAM is a one-year (10 months, really) course that consists of 70% internal assessment (presentations, folios, class tests) and only 30% external (end of year assessment). So it's impossible to slack off, unless you want to repeat your SAM year (which I believe two of my classmates are doing; taking SAM lightheartedly is no wise choice), and I DO NOT want to do that. I want to get to RMIT, get me my paper certification that I can write oodles and doodles and off to work and start a family for me, independent of my parents. Because I don't want to burden them. Also because I don't like relying on them, because decisions have to be made taking them in to account as well.

College is awesome. I have met SO many new friends, and they're all great. Most of them. All of them, fine. All of them are great. If I had my wedding today (and this is a question I ask myself from time to time), I'd definitely be inviting some of my college mates, and possibly even in the future I will too.

Lectures are great too, because lecturers are so friendly, and it's easy to talk to them casually and it makes it very interesting to learn. I say this not because I'm what you may call a nerd, but because it helps a whole lot in scoring well when you actually enjoy the subject because of the teacher.

Taylor's is great. I have no idea why you'd go to somewhere to IS if you could afford TCSJ. It's not like it's a popularity contest here. We actually learn stuff.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Welcome Back, Nigel, or Wonder of it All

I should seriously consider doing this regularly. Reading all of Carmelia's posts, dedicated and written just for my sake; it is a sort of guilt trip that makes me want to try, makes me want to write again.

Just the other day during Math class, I was writing a long paragraph on how stagnant my mind had become. How sad, that my once overly-stimulated brain, once able to handpick ideas out of the sky, became lazy and weak, and it became hard to find the appropriate words. In the end I had to (here I pause, thinking for the word I want to use) settle for the next best word, only to groan inwardly because I know there is a better word somewhere, nagging at my subconscious.

I don't know how many of you will be reading this, but if you are, I applaud you, and I raise my eyebrows at you, because... Because blogging is quite unheard of nowadays (or so it seems). This can be seen as my promise to you that I will try and do this more often.

There is just too much to say. Just too much. Looking back at blogposts of some of the people that I follow makes me feel extremely nostalgic.

I remember that I love words! I love to read! I love to write! What do I want to say?

Just two things.

The first, to Ri. I'm sorry.

The last, to Carm. I love you. Six months has come and gone, and I hope time passes faster and faster until.... Until it goes.

And remember, that no one does it better than E5.