Monday, July 27, 2009

I Blame Wendy, or Boys! Grab Your Guns

Ugh. Feel so emo. Where does that word come from anyway? Emotional? Yeah, maybe that's what I am right now. And the worse part is that

I don't know why. But now I'm really angry for missing out on everything that I thought I was going to go through. I thought of everything, you know? Finishing SPM with my friends, going to birthday parties, laughing over the stupid things we did.

So hard it is for me to laugh now. All I can manage is a fake smile that hopefully gets me through the day. I can't sleep properly (it's 2am now). At least a bit of my apettite's returned a bit, I used to be able to go through two days without feeling eating and not feeling hungry.

I hate all this pretending shit. I wish someone would just like run me over or something. Then I wouldn't have to go to school.

You ask me a year ago whether it was possible for me to be this unhappy? Nope. And don't call me short sighted, you presumptuous assholes. You don't know what I'm going through so I'm tired of hearing you all trying to talk to me as if you understand.



Denise said...


Hang in there little bro. I know you can.

jamie said...

aw come on. i know you can get something from there. you're the fun of the fun nigel. dont emo emo. okaaayy, idk how you're feeling. but God does. :) GBU. haha and yes. the worllddddd

Wendy said...

thanks for blaming me...

Nijiru said...

NP Wendy! :D