Friday, January 1, 2010

Never Ever Ever, or The Final Countdown

Things I have learned on a New Year's Eve/Day:
Never ever ever have no money to buy drinks
Never ever ever leave home without bringing your headphones
Never ever ever drink two glasses of red wine before you start your dinner, especially if you had a light lunch
Never ever ever have three glasses of red, only to have three more glasses of white later
Never ever ever have a combined six glasses of wine, knowing you're going to have more to drink later
Never ever ever drink to the point that you can't walk a straight line (except when you're at home, that way you can just fall asleep on the couch)
Never ever ever go out on a New Year's eve without coming up with a good, foolproof plan
Never ever ever have a Bacardi coke after your stupid six glasses of wine
Never ever EVER have two bottles of Heineken after your Bacardi coke
Never ever ever get drunk enough to almost get run over by a car
Never ever ever sing after your drunk, especially if you sing off key
Never ever ever give someone you iPhone, especially if you have no collateral in return
Never ever ever forget to have a cup o' Jo after your stupid drinking spree, it helps
Never ever ever forget to call your or at least text your loved ones during New Year's day
Never ever ever not enjoy the little simple things, even though they may seem foolish and retarded
Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever keep a wish list for the New Year, because ultimately, unless it's ridiculously simple, you'll be let down eventually
Never ever ever leave without getting a hug

U better read this in 2010, Nigel Chee.

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