Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The World Ends With You, or If Everyone Cared

So I'm still playing this game (mum, I'm not playing it all the time) (the rest, yes I am :) ) called The World Ends With You, this awesome game on the NDS. It incorporates an awesome soundtrack with live vocals, awesome split-screen-multi-tasking-with-both-the-stylus-and-the-buttons gameplay and awesome storyline.

You play as Neku, an anti-social guy who has huge headphones plugged into his head wherever he goes and whatever he does (my hero :) ). He plays the Reaper's Game, and I won't dwell into that.

What really interests me is what the name of this game comes from. Neku's friend tells him that The World Ends With You: The world is as big as you allow it to be. If you keep yourself in your own tiny world, not caring about anything or anyone, then that's your world. With only you in it. But by sharing emotions, feelings, opinions and thoughts with others, your world expands; Your insights broaden, new things become discovered, and the world becomes a friendlier place. Neku used to hate the world, and keeps his headphones plugged in to ensure he isn't disturb. As the game progresses, though, he is able to read the minds of others, and through this he feels what they feel, sees things from a different perspective, etc. 

So in the end(which I haven't reached yet) he learns to care. Aww.

So it makes me think. We're all too busy aren't we? We're all to busy to care. We try to justify our insensitivity. But we know, even if others believe it, that we are wrong not to care. The World Ends With You. So broaden your mind. Learn to think as other's think.

And your world might just become a little bit bigger.



Patricia Ling said...

darn u got the game i always wanted to ply.. ggggrrr

Anonymous said...

now i know where you get ur habit from =P..

Nijiru said...

ITS AWESOME PAT BWAHHAHA. I give u lah when I come back or something... if u had a DS lah. Ah well :)

What habit? :)