Thursday, August 7, 2014

Time to Take Writing Seriously, or One Smile

I'm 21 now. It's been a while, and I'm 21 now. So much has changed since I've written something, anything, that is of consequence/has meaning/ has effort or part of my soul in it. You can type Facebook statuses, you can update your twitter, but when you write, when you really write; therein lies the overflow of your heart.

Hi. I'm Nigel, and I'm coming back on to the bloggosphere (is that a word? It is now). This is partially to:

A) (Hopefully) create an online portfolio for my writings
B) Have an outlet for my creative musings that have words in them
C) Force me to actually do some writing
D) Collect my experiences for when I feel nostalgic for when times past

So now what? What has changed since we've last met? So much. Much too much. And change sucks, and sometimes we need change, but it sucks. Out of the frying pan and in to the fire.

All you need is one smile
We will give you all night.

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