Saturday, May 29, 2010

Teeth, or Littlest Things

At Bel's bakery (Walnut at Foh Sang, go there and buy bread, and maybe I can ask them to give me some for free) I had to sit for awhile to wait for my sister. Contrary to what my mother thinks, I wasn't THAT much of a kelefe... I had to discuss some things with Eleni, and after that I found this book lying open on one of the tables.

It was a book on sex. But it looked... Interesting (besides, there was nothing to do), and so I started reading. I was so engrossed in it that time flew by, and I didn't realise that I could've just gone home. Instead, I just read and read and read, and I made the owner promise me that I could borrow it once I was done.

I'm not going to go in to much details. I mean, we all know the drill right: Sex is holy, sex is pure, sex is something that needs to wait for marriage. We know the details, right? But what are we doing about it?

What's your excuse for not having sex before marriage? Religion? Is that HONESTLY it? That, to me, after reading that book, isn't really a good reason at all. If you want to know more you can ask me personally. But yeah, good read, I can't wait to get my hands on it again!


Honestly, I have no idea why I started that rant. Wasn't really a rant to begin with, but whatever.

There's a lot left in this year. A LOT. Lotsa things to do, lotsa things to get through. Imagine, that it was January just a little earlier this year. It seems a lifetime ago, but it passed by so very very fast. I very very much so despised my life last year: Not the experiences and situations I went through, but the person I was. I wasn't myself. I was... Different.

I'm back (as close as possible) to the person I once was, but... But I'm, in a sense, 'stronger'. I realise that sometimes, I need to be serious. Sometimes, I need to stop fooling around. I'm still learning, but I take life in with every chance that I get, not taking it for granted.

Recently I've been... Confused. I wasn't sure of the road to take. Down a new path, or up the same one that I've followed for so long? Before I could make a proper decision, the new path shed some light on the truth. The truth amazed me; I expected it, but not so soon. I was shocked, and so I wanted to run down that road, but that wasn't the right thing to do. I had to stroll down the path, take in the scenery, all the little things, because I wasn't on these paths for want of a means to a destination. Rather, it was the journey I was on that really counted. And so far, I'm enjoying the sights, sounds and warmth of this new path. This path was something that seemed very... Comfortable. Like I was already used to the path; I knew the turns and bends even before I approached it, and I knew where to go. There were still some things I needed to learn, but I had time. Oh, I had nothing but time. This experience is... It was...


Sorry about that, it was all very very cryptic, and even the people that know what I'm talking about will find it a little hard to understand!

Being enigmatic is useful to a lesser extent. Eh.

Show me your teeth when you smile.

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