Sunday, September 6, 2009

Well Now, or Papparazi

Hello, late night blogger here.

I'm at my godma's house now. This place, like most privately-owned Singaporean apartments, is small, but there's still leg room. I'm not complaining, nay, I have a place to escape (cos Kai Shin went back to Sarawak, I have nobody to talk to anymore) to on my lonely holidays.

What's interesting is not the house itself, but it's inhabitants. Apart from the two-legged creatures, there are three animals residing in the home.

The first is, of course, Dylan the great. He is a golden retriever, and he probably gets more attention than Taylor Swift. Everyone in the neighbhourhood knows him, and when we take him out to town (yeah, we do that) people usually point and stare, and some paranoid ladies run away, dragging their children away. I want to laugh at them, really, but maybe they've been attacked by a dog before? I don't know. But Dylan's a harmless chap, really. If he was a king, he wouldn't be a Aragorn type. No, he'd be one who slept and ate and took walks around his kingdom. That's him. But everyone loves him anyway.

Second comes Koko, a pug. Koko is a female pug, and she constantly looks sadly at you, without meaning to. Her owner went away to work for a while, so she became sort of a fixture at the house. Apparently she has a slip disc, so I'm not supposed to make her jump or anything.

Lastly, comes Thomas, the cat. Yeap. You read correctly, the cat. Thomas was acquired by Adora, my Godma's maid, who loves cats more than she does dogs (but she loves Dylan too. I mean, it's Dylan the Great we're talking about), and she took him off the street and brought him home, without consent from my godmother. But Godma, being Godma, let him stay anyway. He doesn't stop moving, and he attacks invisible enemies wherever he goes. He enjoys also clinging onto your leg. (I think I'll just make a video of him this holiday)

Oddly enough, these animals co-exist in a happy environment. Dylan was always good with cats, he never barked at them, and if you remember my earlier post, cats seemed to follow him when I took him out for a walk. Thomas took some time, but he grew up around Dylan so in the end he's okay with dogs. He sometimes eyes Dylan oddly when the dog is asleep. Koko is too small to care.

And oh, I wrote an article for my godmother, you can check it out here. Pandai Pandai lah, yeah. You should be able to find it.


Anonymous said...

the pug & cat is cuuute! :D

almatari said...

thomas looks like mittens!! heee!!