Saturday, July 10, 2010

DISC, or What You Waiting For

I got back on Thursday night, and my mum poked me and said, "Nigel, tomorrow you help me run event again ah." Erm, okay, fine, sure...

Now before I give a downlo of what happened, let me just explain what DISC is. DISC stands for Dominant, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. These four traits are the main personalities that the rest of human behaviour can be more or less derived from.

Let's shove a few examples to quickly explain:

Cleaning a Whiteboard:
D- Quickly orders someone to get the job done
S- Waits for someone to ask him/her before moving to the whiteboard to clean it
C- Calculates the best way to effectively clean the whiteboard

When the Roof Caves in:
D- Organises a crew to help clear the rubble and aid the wounded
S- Huddles in a corner
C- Works in his mind why the roof caved in in the first place

A few people of DISC characters in the Bible:
D- Paul. Paul is a typical D, hardheaded and strong.
I-Peter. He get's things going.
S-Abraham. Mr. Behind The Scenes worker.
C-Moses. He charts the course (People argue he's got some D in him, and of course he does. Everyone does, so shut up and let me explain)

Anyway, so my sister, Andrew, Kah Mun and I were helping my momma out that night. Apart from Mum, me and Andrew were given walkie talkies. We were dressed up in super formal black (someone said debonair) (except for Andrew; He wasn't dressed up THAT much), and both of us ran around helping coordinate the whole show: From the release time of the alcoholic beverages (after the PM's speech) to registration ("Good evening sir... Yes you may sit there") to cueing (?) the guest performers, like the runner up from the latest season of Akedemi Fantasia (what was her name... Akilaah or something, but she was cute), to standing on the stage to hold the bowl of lucky draw slips.

It was pretty 'fun', in the sense that I got to boss people older than me around, and watch them wait on my call (that's the Control-Freak D in me), scurrying around serving food, and doing things I tell them to. When things go wrong, though, it's frustrating, because it's the event organisers who get the blame, not the hotel staff, or the performers.

Thankfully there were no major slip-ups. The hotel staff, however, are some of the most slow (mentally and physically) people I have ever met (and hello, the Chief Minister is here); I had to poke their supervisors twice to get them to hurry up and get more people working.

This event was the Shell Sabah Journalist Association Awards (OR SOMETHING), and it's held annually, every year, once a year. I met a few people who could be future contacts in the future, so that's a good thing. Who knows, maybe next year I could be a participant instead of the one running around?

Funny thing? I met my father there, who was a guest of his friend. And my mum was there. Awkward...

I did get to enjoy some booze after. A bottle of J, anyone?