Monday, June 22, 2009

Nigel's Eleven, or Up Against (Blackout)

It's not fair to say I've ALWAYS wondered, but I just thought about it today. Wouldn't it be nice to have 11 trained (Okay, in this case not trained. YET.), highly skilled, multi-purposed teenagers under your payroll to pull off dangerous jobs such as harassing nerds to do your homework, recon on your enemy in school, or spy on the IT couple of the year? Or any kind of dirty work you have for them? Of course it would (if you payed them in chocolates or food or something).

So anyway, here's my list of 11 people I would employ as my special team for world domination, grand theft scholastic and general mayhem causing.

(If you're not in this list, I'm sorry but you should cause trouble more or something.)

1. Jonathan Lim (aka Jonny Boy)
Jon's able to carry on conversations he knows nothing about is invaluable to distract anyone, and add the fact that he can talk to absolutely anybody at all and another of my agents can steal the necklace from around the distracted one's neck. Jonny here has travelled widely, more than alot of people I know, so his general knowledge is like, woah. Asides from his musical ability, Jonny here is able to sit on his fone and spoil it, so if there are any locked doors, well, who needs keys when you can have Agent Jonny Boy to ram it down?

2. Gabrielle Leong (aka Gabby)
One of the only reasons I chose Gabby is because she can pose as "Asian Tourist" anywhere, anytime, anyplace (which is the same as anywhere). She speaks English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Korean and Japanese, and has widely traveled across Asia. I can just pair her up with another agent, let her look pretty and she's all set. She also has real records about her medical past, which she can prove for some sympathy or whatever. Agent Gabby here is invaluable.

3. Adren Choon (aka Baby Choon)
This little schemer may look like the most innocent guy in the world, but that's where it stops. This mastermind is one of the most evil people I know, and trust me, I know plenty. His height gives him another huge advantage. By playing 'lost boy', he could deceive people into putting him into their circle of trust, and bam. Next thing you know, Agent Jonny Boy's got them tied up in the stairwell. Adren's ability to think on his feet and give sharp, witty answers make him an invaluable asset to the team.

4. Maya (aka Maya)
Need someone to shoot cold words to chill the bone? Need someone to argue with over nothing at all? Need someone to scheme with you over how to steal candy from a baby? Need someone to speak in public for prolonged periods? Call me, or call Agent Maya. Apart from her insane communication skills, Maya is one of the most well-read persons I know, having read the classics, and also the not-so-classics. Being well read is important in impressing people, and when people are impressed, they are also distracted. A distracted person is a gullible person.

5. Darren Koh (aka Nut 3)

(I couldn't find a solo photo of Darren. Sorry mate.)

The only reason I need Darren is that I can't think of anyone else willing to work with me who runs faster, jumps higher, and craps longer. Darren will probably be my hitman, hitting people, running away, and laughing insanely all the while. Agent Nut 3 here is able to cause huge distractions, and (for some odd reason) is able to make little kids fall in love with him. Apart from that, Agent Nut 3 has a likeable aura that, well, make people like him. I love using people to deceive people.

6. Adam Chin (aka Nut 5)
Apart from being leader of the Nuts (of which I and Agent Nut 3 are members), Adam looks good in sunglasses, is able to go insane and can hold conversations for as long, or possibly longer than Maya can. From his invaluable speaking skills, he's probably just another equivalent of Maya, except, of course, crazier, and has more conspiracy theories than most anyone I know.

7. Joshua Ronald (aka JR)
Joshua here will be used for seducing girls, and even he protests, he will flirt with them for a time sufficient enough for Agent Nut 3 to run in to the girl's house, use her toilet, steal her money, grab a snack from the fridge and dash back out. Apart from his flirtatious nature, Agent JR can play a mean guitar (again used in woo-wing the girls) and is handy with a discus, which he can chuck quite a distance. He's also someone I can trust, so I'll probably get him to do my personal errands or something. Haha.

8. Abigail Moh (aka 4th Octave Girl)
I had a time thinking, "Who would look cute enough, but has enough of a brain to do something other than sit there, and also has an outrageous temper (Joking. Well, not really) ?" Agent Octave here was perfect for the job. Apart for her unique ability to irritate the *&^% out of most people by simply talking to them, her voice may also have the odd effect of holding people in a prison of wonderment: "How can anybody speak in such a high pitch?" And while they stare or laugh, I make off with their jewelry, hand phones and tacos.

9. Chong Chih Heng (aka Cypher)
Chong here's gonna be my techno- savvy guy, ready to plant bombs, hearing devices or trees at a moment's notice. He is a master at disguise (observe picture), perfect for recon, nimble, and he has always wanted to be an assasin ( at some point). I'll just give him a gun, point him in the right direction and he'll sneak around like nobody's business. He's also another schemer, ready to contribute ideas on how best to blow up the science lab. Agent Cypher here trusts no one, loves no one and has no one. (lonely kid)

10. Hannah (aka Blondie)
Look, I know what you're thinking, but the only reason I put Hannah in this list is because I can probably convince her to work for nothing, and all I need her to do is stand there and act pretty as guys swarm over her to talk. I don't know WHY this happens, but it does, so I can just pair Agent Blondie here with, I don't know, practically anyone, and she can just stand there and look pretty, but hopefully she doesn't say anything, or else my entire career may be jeopardized.

Ok, the name may be an exaggeration, but the thing is, I wouldn't stand for myself to sit back and watch my team have all the fun. I would be out there, sipping coffee but keeping my gun loaded and my earpiece on just in case something gets out of hand. You want something done right... Do it yourself.

So there, my team of 11, ready to take on anything (except adults).

P.S. All of these photos were taken from Facebook, except JR's one.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wouldn't It Be Great To have Pokemon?, or Our Lives

Ok, before you roll your eyes, let me assure you that my reason to blog about this is valid (I just watched a Pokemon movie).

Notice= Some things may only be understood by Pokefreaks.

Now, what if we had Pokemon all around us? What if we lived in a world surrounded by Pokemon?
Here are some things that would change the way we live...

1. There would be more job opportunities.
~ I mean, think about it. We would need more people to teach about Pokemon, and how to take care of them, and even to treat them if they get ill. I mean, a Chansey can't do it all. So there would be no jobs for everyone.

2. School would be different.
~ If you think about it (again), who needs to learn about anything else other than Pokemon? Bio would be about Pokemon, maths would be almost useless, you would have to study language I guess, but apart from that we would just be learning about how awesome a Charizard is and how beautiful a Gardevior can be. No Moral! NO Sejarah!

3. If you don't go out on a random adventure you are considered lame.
~ Look at Ash. I bet he doesn't even have a driving license (I doubt he even hit puberty) and he's like walking over the world catching Pokemon. So like we wouldn't need to drive or take ships or airplanes or anything, because our Pokemon would do that for us. By mom, give me some running shoes and I'll go find a bicycle somewhere (Mother's will also be extremely supportive and gush about how their big boy/girl has all grown up).

4. We wouldn't worry about being bullied.
~ Then again, if the bully's Pokemon is stronger than yours... Never mind.

5. The earth wouldn't be so polluted.
~ Instead on relying so much on machines, we would get Pokemon to work for us! And for energy, we can just ask Magnemite to make it for us! Genius!

6. We would be rich!
~ You win about a 1000 Poke wateva depending on who you fight. Then again, you might lose... Never mind.

7. Life would just be a mess.
~According to some made-up rule, you cannot avoid a trainer battle. So if someone spots you holding a Pokeball, they would come up to you for a fight. THEN someone else would, and etcetera. So you might spend your whole day just battling other trainers. Hmm.

8. We wouldn't have to play Pokemon on our NDSLs.
~ I wish I had a real Pokemon... What would I really like for a Pokemon? If I could have just one, I would pick a Ditto, so I could have it transform into any Pokemon I want :D

So there you have it. This is the confession of a Pokefreak. Don't you wish you had a Pokemon???

Saturday, June 20, 2009

That's What I Call, or When You Say Nothing At All

All photos of Teacher's Day are with me, or on Facebook, just ask me if you REALLY want them.
The Video of Nigel Chin's performance is working and uploaded to Facebook.

Was it enough to say teacher's day was awesome? No. It's not. It wasn't as if it was the best day of my life or anything. But seeing all the teachers go to take their awards and sitting with Elf, Far, beat and Syaz and taking pics up front or talking to Trudy about the performances, it just felt as if I was part of something once again. It was awesome. Needless to say, Nigel Chin did an excellent job, and we went to 'celebrate' after the performance by having lunch together XD

Going to 4A where everyone was was an oodle of fun. It was like old times, where everyone was just laughing and talking and trying to beat me in Tap Tap Revenge 2.5 and playing the guitar and taking pictures. At the end before we left, Chin was like 'ok, Abigail wants to play us a song (yeah, she WANTED to right?)', so she played a solo song and everybody cheered at the end. Then we were all like , 'Encore, Chin' because he and the band did so well during the actual performance, everyone was cheering for him, everyone was singing along, and the pils (pilaks) actually echoed the You Say It Best part, and I think everyone enjoyed the performance, even the teachers, even though the meaning of the song is to shut them up.

So we had a class sing-a-long, with me on guitar and Abigail on violin and Chin on Lead Vocals and everyone else singing along. It was so much fun, everyone was cheering and singing. Maybe not Dennis, but everyone else lah. It was actually FUN to sing.

Go check the pics out. They should be up there by now XD

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

2nd glances, or Right Here Waiting

It still hasn't been ONE SINGLE DAY where yours truly has sat a day at home doing nothing. I HAVE to get out of the house, just for a while, to go do something other than sit at home.

Yay me!

From what I can see though, is that even though you have been part of them before, now they have new things to talk about, different things that they share that you don't know about. And it's as if you're slightly separated from them, because they now have their own life now. Imagine a circle and a dot. Now, the dot used to be in the line in the circle, but now it's in the circle, all by itself. It's not like it doesn't completely not belong; it somehow doesn't fit.

But I'm glad to see everyone, and I think a lot of people are surprised to see me as well. More than once, I've had people glance at me once, then had their eyes search my face as if they know me from somewhere. Hey! It IS me! That's what happened at school on Monday.

I went to school with Nigel Chin and it was raining buckets. Elaine did the 2 glance thingy, I attended perhimpunan, said hello to a few teachers, slept at the pondok, walked around during both recesses, kelefe in Drama practice, watched the audition for teacher's day performances. Now, I might have dumbed it down a little bit, but boy. That was something. It has been six whole months since I have actually sung the school, state and national anthem. Nostalgia much? Maybe, but I believe I am due a little bit.

I am proud of All Saints. I am proud to have been a member of the great community that comprises of the staff and pupils of the school. Most of all, I'm glad to still be treated as a member of the All Saints family.

What We Do, We Carry Through.

I'll see you guys at school.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Point Blank, or Back Home

There has not been a SINGLE day where I have not stepped out of the house. Not one. Every single day I have been doing something, from watching movies to buying jeans to helping out the drama team. Hey, I love it! I really do, and when I actually DO feel tired (u all know the amount of sugar intake that goes with me) I just giggle recklessly and push on anyway! That's because I'm so glad to be back.

Just like Emery said, I decided not to blog about Youth Camp, because I can't be bothered, and countless other people have done so. Yeah.

ALTHOUGH, there was this one incident which will forever stay with us. Adren nudged me when Ps. Sam called for the keyboardist to come up. Me, Adren and NickL were sitting in one line, but the person who went to the keyboard was none other than my fabulous cell leader. When we bowed our heads again, Ps. Sam counted to 3. '3,2,1'... And then we all heard this retarded beat coming out from the keyboard, and the three keyboardists opened their eyes to see Bernard fiddling with the key controls, while the music plays on.

Haha. Haha.

I'm so glad people still remember me!

And oh, there was this little spat about this convent thing going on. Well, it's true, most convent girls are bitches. So what? Whatcha gonna do now? Spam my cbox (don't have one)? Spam my email(don't check it)? Bitch about me to your other bitchy friends? Don't. So what if you guys tend to act out a lot, but this wouldn't be the KK competition scene without you girls. Sure, we blame your seniors, but get mad at us for blaming your seniors, and the backlash is sure to hit you back again. What other people say about your school is their own business, but they have no right to diss you, and you them. Hey, I've had my fair share of Convent-assholeness, and this not from their students, but from their TEACHER.

The year? 2007.
Occasion? Debate competition.

We beat St. Francis fair and square in I think the quarter finals, but their teacher pointed out we had no Bumi in our team. You're thinking, "Serve All Saints right," But the teacher pointed this out AFTER we had beaten them. So she knew this BEFORE the competition, but pulled it out as a trump card.

Boy, was Edrea MAD. As a result, St. Francis lost to Lok Yuk in the finals, and the teacher avoids Edrea at any event where both of them are present at.

Hey, I hold no grudges. Sure, deep inside me I know, but I don't let it affect my judgement or actions. I don't judge.

I'm letting God do that for me.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This is My Riot!, or Whoa

I'm back :)

I haven't had my day of rest AT ALL since I got back, so today will be 'long post day', because I am not doing anything AT ALL. This is a Riot!

I arrived Tuesday night. Was overweight (not me ah, the bag) by 3kg, so had to pay S$9 per kg. Shucks.

Wednesday terus I wake up mum said, "Go Nigel. Go to massage." I wanted to go out instead, but I managed to do both, and surprise my dear Denise in the process. I'm not sure if they could tell, but seeing Elf, Far, Beat, Syaz and Nise again was like "Wow. I still have a life here.". It was fun. At night TERUS again went with Bernard, JR, his bro, Melvyn, Darian, Brennan and HIS bro to Carcesean to play board games. We ended up playing this game called 'Saboteur', which is actually a very fun game, I recomend it if ever you guys go there. Then they played Blokus and I watched, and then we went home and gave it each other manicures. I'm joking about the last part.

Thursday I forced myself out of bed because I volunteered to go help out with IU day prep at school. Chin picked me up and away we went! To breakfast. Then we went to school! So good to step in the grounds again. Saw alot of people, kelefe a lot, etc etc. AFTER that, followed Nigel Chin as well as JHo to meet Gabby, then we all sama2 go to Lisa's church to practice for their Teacher's Day presentation. Well, I just went to watch lah. The line up is:
Abigail= Violin
Jason= Guitar
Jared=Guitar, but he was a no show that day
Chin= Vocal
Lisa=Location Manager
Me=Professional Kelefe
Chong=Semi-Professional Kelefe
So they intended to do two songs, and then JHo and Jane started bitching (Oh, how I missed that) about how they wanted to do only one song, but Chin said no, do two, etc etc. So in the end they chose to do one song, and I helped to coordinate Jane's 2nd Voice and Abi's Violiningmajiggy.

After that I took Chong, JHo and Chin thru many shortcuts as we walked to 7-11 to get slurpee (thank God it wasn't broken). THEN we walked to Chin's house, where me and JHo decided to stay over. Chong was like "No." After alot of things, he stayed over anyway, and we stayed up till 2.30 watching everything.

On FRIDAY, me Chin and JHo went to school to help in IU day again. After THAT, went back home, then went out to lunch with Emery, and her mum. Scary. But the Japanese was good.
After THAT, went back home and had dinner with A. Suzette, THEN went to check out ma new house! I can't upload pics, but it's like, Whoa.

Malas wanna blog about camp now, I'll do it later.

This is a Riot!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Less Than 24, or Holiday (Boys Like Girls)

It's not actually that hard to come up with titles for my posts, it's only sometimes finding the song titles or songs themselves that actually suit the post.


(Warning, this post may cause headaches, giddiness or uneasiness in the stomach. Not for those who suffer ADD, or have little interest in Malaysian politics or life of a 16 year old. Consult doctor before proceeding.)

Anyway, was reading this book about the past year elections. Yes, the March 8 elections held across Malaysia, in 2008. I remember what I was doing that day: I was playing paintball. As we were on the way to the 'battlefield', we could see the SAPP banners everywhere, and we even passed some voting centers. We joked that we could play the 'Capture the Flag' scenario in paintball, with one team taking the BN (Barisan National) flag and the other team taking an opposition party flag.

I don't really think anyone wanted the BN flag.

Anyway, reader discretion is advised when reading this article. When that is said, it loosely translates into, "screw what you think, I can write whatever I want until I get detained by the ISA". Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but hey, who knows. (Also, forgive me if some facts are incorrect).

So what happened is that on voting day Malaysians were like , "Hey, we shouldn't really take all this crap from the government without saying something. Maybe after 50 years, it's time to finally say something." Well, it took all of you long enough to realize, right? Just in time, though, and the ruling party (BN) was denied the two-thirds majority, which is important for yada-yada. We could see changes all across the board (except for Sabah and Sarawak, which are BN strongholds, and the opposition won less than 5% votes in both places combined) where Penang absolutely fell to opposition hands, Kelantan remained under opposition control etc. etc.

I was (and am) just a kid, so to me it wasn't that big a deal, but I even I could tell that the adults were quite happy with this turn of events. Everyone was talking of change and stuff. Even at school everyone (except maybe some Malays) was crying "DAP! PKR! PAS(well not really PAS)!". It seemed obvious that change was a given, and that the people realised that the people are the rightful to govern, not the politicians. It was time that the ruling powers knew that they had become to content; indeed, they had become too comfortable and gradually (or maybe from the start) became inept to rule.

To cut a long story short(er), Anwar, de facto leader of the Opposition, said he would take control of the government bla bla, and he failed. And those who voted in a no-confidence vote AGAINST the Prime Minister (then Badawi) were in DIP SH**, including our genius-minded SAPP, whose fate I can't even remember.

After the political tsunami of last year, everyone was crying for Badawi to step down. Obviously the next leader would still come from the party he was also from (U Must Not Object), so now we have our 'beloved' new Prime Minister, who has placed his personal guards in each state to make sure everyone does as he says.

They said that they wanted to postpone the voting till this year. What would have happened, I wonder? Would people get even more restless? Would ISA then be called to arrest more people for causing 'unrest'? Lucky then the Government had a bit of sense to agree to change. Our democracy had turned into one where BN gave orders and no one objected. In parliament, BN outnumbered the opposition representatives more than 4 to 1, so I can't blame the Opp for not speaking up or debating. Now at least there MIGHT be some consideration on the rest of the normal Malaysians like us.

Why, though? Why bring such a matter into play now, when everything is already different? When Najib was appointed the post as head of our country, I was in NTUC (a bit like Giant, but better), and I spied the New Straits Times and picked it up and read the article. I only glanced at it a while and left, because I wanted to 'save face' a bit. I read in detail the next day what happened.

It's different. In Malaysia with have the excitement and talk about all this. Even the school kids take interest. I remember us asking our class teacher who she would vote for, but she declined to answer with a knowing smile.

But here? It's pretty one-sided, and everyone in Singapore are used to the 'Just Follow Lah' culture, which most Singaporeans find easy to do. Follow, like lost sheep. I'm not saying it's wrong. I mean, look how well Singapore is doing. The people can afford to spend during the recession, because they are forced to save. Grumble they might, and laugh you may, but who has the money to spend during recession sales? That's right.

But it's boring. A straight stick is boring. A branch that branches out into more branches is ultimately more interesting. Sure, it might be more risky, but since when is there no risk? Be unprepared for risk, and that's the riskiest thing you could ever do. And Singaporeans are very complacent, and little things bother them.

I could go on, but it's 3 am in the morning. The REAL point of this post is to say I'm coming home tonight at 8.50 like that, arriving at only God really knows. I just wanted to say that

I miss Malaysia. I miss the food, the authenticity of the people, the PEACEFULNESS of the place. No more rushing around. No more feeling as if something needs to be done.

So here I come! Holiday begins when I'm truly back! I hope ISA doesn't get me! I hope it doesn't rain! I hope everything goes my way! I pray God answers all prayers! Except impractical ones! That wouldn't do any good!

I'll rant when I get home!
But before I end, some things I did!

~Watched Night at the Museum 2
Lamest. Movie. For A While.
~Bought clothes for myself
Crazy Club 21 Bazaar. 2 pieces of REAL CALVIN KLEIN for S$15 a piece!

I Will See You!