Friday, January 30, 2009

Yeah, Well, I Was Wrong, or So What

Ok ok. Maybe I am a bit in want.

Yes, that's right, I bought a NDSL (Nintendo Dual Screen Lite) with my own money. So far, it has made me more popular, given me entertainment and wasted my time when I should have been doing other things. I DID MY HOMEOWORK MUM.

Anyway, the NDSL is an awesome gadget for gamers on the go. It incorporates touch screen to normal gaming, which the PSP is unable to offer, sadly. Graphics have been improved greatly from the GBA, and most games support real voice overs. The gaming experience is far greater than that of the PSP because most games are fun, quick to pick up and have multiplayer options. Because it has wi-fi compatibility, I'm even able to trade my pokemon with Nick Lee, who is way over in Sabah :)

Is it a good investment? At the price of RM699, of course it isnt. It's just another gadget that's gonna go obsolete in a few years, you say. Sure it is. But just for a little while, I'm glad to own this piece of technology, along with my trusty iTouch, my Nikon 40D, my laptop and my handphones. 

Don't get me wrong. I didn't ask for any of them. Ok, maybe the laptop. And the handphone. And the camera. But apart from that, I earned it all myself! :D

Don't be like me. Buy if you can afford. Live below your means.

I have to go buy a camera lens now XD

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Must You? or I'll Attack


What is it? It is to be complacent. What is that? It is to be comfortable where you are. That is not a good thing. That is a bad thing. And out of my mouth, this is probably one of the most ironic statements ever made.

The thing about belonging to rich families in this decade. You always go through change. Handphones and cameras are getting better, fashions come and go, and progresses keep on coming. And we want it all. We cant stop. We want the best. We want what pleases us. We want what 'makes us happy'.

While on my field trip at Vietnam, I was admiring the scenery on top of Mt. LangBiang. My, what beautiful scenery. 

And all those spoilt little kids could say was:
"I'm Bored."
"We walked all the way for this?"
"This is a stupid view."
"Can we go now?"
"I wish I had my PSP now."

But some of them were appreciative of course. The view attracted many creative eyes, and there was a lot of pictures taken.

They just don't get how fortunate they are. I mean, what school makes it COMPULSORY to go overseas to experience different cultures and experiences? All they wanted to know was when the bus ride would stop and whether or not the hotel would be staying in was 5-star or not. In my old school, we would have been overjoyed just to visit the island or something, man.

I'm grateful for what I have. I am content. I am not in want.

I wonder how much money I'm going to receive this year for CNY.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not Like That, or That's Not My Name

This is just really really funny.
I get mistaken for being someone else too many times here.

I don't know why, either. I don't look like anyone here. Almost everyone here has a dual combination of both glasses and braces. And their laughs. My goodness. It's like they studied from American high-school dramas or something just to follow the way the geeks laugh. It's all I can do from laughing AT them, but I pretend to laugh along WITH them.

Anyway, I got confused recently from being someone's friend and two people's brothers. I find that really strange, because I know almost no one here, except David and Daryl (somehow I can't call him by what we used to call him anymore. I just doesn't fit him here).

This is just a random rant.

Anyway, recently I read this book about, what else, Singapore, which I received for my birthday, which I think is supposed to make me like the place, but whatever. It says that many Singaporeans have no sense of humour, and that this is partly and mostly the fault of the Politicians. I shan't say too much, because somehow the government of Singapore might come after me, but Singapore's gov made the nation get serious after their seperation from Malaysia, so they could majukan Singapore easier or something like that. Well, it worked didn't it?
But yeah, my classmates laugh at almost anything, and I laugh at the wrong things, which obtains me many stares from my classmates. I can't believe how easy it is to get these guys laughing, but in a different way. 

On a totally unrelated note, I leave for Vietnam again! Haha... Well then.

I wonder why it seems as though every single kid in Singapore has dental problems. And optical problems. And weird voice problems.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Cupboard is Full, or Nobody's Perfect

I have too much food.
I can very guiltlessly say that, hey, it's not my fault at all. Who asked the food in Sabah to be so dogone expensive? Not me. Who ask the food here to be cheaper? Not me either. Who made the choices of food here wide, interesting and more than back home? Not me. So I can eat all my food without feeling at all guilty.

The amount of food I currently have:
2 1/2 Fruitips Packets
1 Gobstopper Packet
2 Boxes of Shapes
20+ Lollipops
1/2 Canister of Pringles
A bag of Maltesers 
3 Bags of huge Chips (Lays, Ruffles, Doritos. Anyone knows what flavour I like?)
1 1/4 Boxes of Poptarts 
2 Watchamacallits Bars
1 Bag of Famous Amos
3 Boxes of Hello Panda
4 Cans of AnW Rootbeer
A small white container of Nerds
3/4 Hi-C Chewies (ok, it's not technically junk food, but it's yummy)
1 Packet of Oreos, Peanut Butter Chocolate
1 Packet of Chipsmore
1 large Lexus Peanut butter cookies Box
2 Instant Noodles Cups
1 Fabulicious (?) Wonka Thing

Things I acquired, but not shown:
2 more boxes of Pop Tarts (Kai Shin, my new roomate gave them to me for my Bday)
1/2 Contained of Pineapple Tarts
1/2 Sacher Chocolate Cake
1/2 Marshmallow Chocolate Puff Thing

The mart across my school, Fairview, sells the giant packets of chips for $3.42. OMG. Back home, it would easily cost me 12 dollars. I mean, it would be a Crime (with a capital C) to NOT buy it. I don't want to be a criminal.
So I did.

At Cold Storage, Vivocity, I saw a whole row and more of Pop Tarts of different flavours. My jaw dropped, no kidding. I haven't had those things for ages, and now here they were, as if a miracle from above. Miracles shouldn't be taken for granted.
So I didn't.

Don't worry Kimbo, if you're somehow reading this, I bought one box of Pop Tarts just for you, and I'm bringing it back home for CNY. I won't eat it, because I have all I would want right here :)

Prices of things here are so much cheaper. Think with me in S$ for a moment, not RM. 3 original Baleno shirts for 10$. I mean, COME ON. And 2.50$ for a reasonable bowl of Wan Ton Mee. Pass the pepper, please.

This might also be the result of the Recession going on now, but who cares? With shops like Zara, Levis, Nike, Nautica and Mango all going on sale, I think we should all do our part by contributing to our 'failing' economy, no matter who we are, where we are, and how much money we earn.

This isn't me suddenly being very materialistic and consumerist. No. It's not. Rather, I just want to help. I won't simply buy the 18-55mm lens for my Nikon D40. No. I'll let my mother do it for me.

So let's all do our part, and buy potato chips and laze around on the couch.

Hey, it's the economy we're talking about. We're all going to grow up and work someday.

If you're reading this mum, erm, well, it's not true! It's a lie! I wouldn't buy so much junk food! No! I wouldn't! :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Ups and the Downs, or Suddenly I See

It's one thing to know about what to expect, but to not know what to expect is probably even worse. Of all my fears (and yes, there are many), I would say fear of the unknown comes top of the list. Many of you might know I detest change. I prefer keeping life simple and sweet. Sadly, once the gears of life push me somewhere else, I am forced to stress and worry about things that might happen, how I would react to them, I what the consequences of all my actions might be.

Hello. I'm Nigel Chee. I was born somewhere far away from where I am now. My love lies far away from me as well. My age shall soon be 16, celebrated for the first time not at the place of my birth. And this is my blog.

Usually, this blog is not meant for people to read about my life. My life is boring. My life is unexciting. My life is not meant for reading. That's why you all have your own lives to follow, instead of wasting time reading about me. My first post was for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with ACS (I) life. 

Usually, this blog shall contain random posts that will make you think, make you challenge the way you think, or think about something else, for example, bananas. On the contrary though, many of you will fall by the wayside and complain, so now and then I will have to post a random post on my life.

But not today.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life in Singapore, or I Miss You

Sorry everyone.
I wanna apologise firstly for abandoning my first blog. Xanga's speed is, yes, very slow. So I dumped it.
I also wanna apologise for leaving abruptly and not telling anyone earlier beforehand. It may not seem fair, or whatever, but it's less painful that way.


My first day of school was so confusing. I didn't know anyone, I didn't know where everything was, and I was so glad to have my first day over to find out that my class had to be changed.

Oh yeah, let me first say, that Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) (henceforth referred to as 'ACS (I)' ) is the HUGEST SCHOOL I HAVE EVER BEEN INTO. Including most Universities as well. It is HUGE. Swimming pool, squash courts, tennis courts, futsal court, THREE auditoriums, Art roomS, Music roomS, LabratorieS, and more than a hundred classes, this school is simply crazy. It's actually possible (and I kid you not) to get completely LOST.

Anyway, my first class was 3.13, but I didn't want to take Biology (useless). So  I was transfered to 3.18. At the end of the day, I was transfered again to 3.17. So instead of Shanghai, I'm going to place I wanted to, Ho Chi Minh. Yay! 

Day 2, Monday, 4th Jan
Assembly today is in Audi 2. 3.17 sits straight in front,  close to the school band. It is a complete orchestra, with timpani, fluteS, drumS, cello and, wait for it, a HARP.
Monday Chapel (which is actually assembly) takes up a while, because our headmaster talks alot. We miss PE.
The band is asked to play the school song, which is different, because usually we use taped music in All Saints. When they started playing, it was the most beautiful music I have ever heard from a live band. I am Serious. It was lovely. 

After that, they played another song while we sat and listened. It was beautiful.

After that was recess.

After THAT, we had Core Math. Teacher is okay. I HATE Cmath. Such a nuisance. Im gonna need tutoring or something.

MT next. MT stands for Mother Toungue, which im taking standard Malay. I mean, why take Higher Malay? HAHA. Teacher's okay. Only like 8 of us in Standard malay, haha.

Chemistry. Teacher didnt come in. We didnt do anything too :D

Adv Math next. I LOVE Amath. So easy. So understandable. Logical. I love it ^^ And Mr. Gabriel Phee is a good teacher.

Day 3, Tuesday, 5th Jan

MT First. Nth special. We marked each other's karangan. Mine got very little mistakes. It's not really fair for the rest of them, cause they're not malaysian and didn't get an A for BM in PMR XD

Cmath nxt. I had to write stupid thing 5 times cos i didnt know what to do.

Recess, then Amath again.

Physics. Our PCT is teaching us physics. I'm not to sure what PCT is either XD I like physics. It's alrite.

Chem next. Teacher is quite strict, but he's a good chap. He didnt have a lot of time bcos his previous year students went to collect their IB results, which came out today.

History. My 3.18 class teacher, Mr. Moghan teaches History. He makes it so interesting, but today's lesson was cut short, because we went to Audi 1 for IB results reveal or something.

The IB results were so good (427 candidates, 426 got 32+/45, 9 perfect scores (45/45) and average score of 40.1) that we were actually given a holiday on Friday! HAHA. So odd.

School was over. Had a good chat with my good friend after school :)

Day 4, Wednesday, 6th Jan

History. Mr Moghan talked about the Naning Incident, which is really cool, but gross. He showed us pictures of Japanese torturing Chinese villagers in the village of Naning. He told us the stories of the pictures as well. The last picture was gruesome, but the story was even worse. I actually retched a bit. Poor Chinese.

IHS. Our teacher is really boring. Sadly :( IHS  actually looks interesting..


After Recess, Phy agn. Nth special. Then PC, which is time for the class to settle class affairs, like class council and crap. For absolutely no reason, I was elected as a member, and now I'm class sports rep (?).

Chem Practical. Quite interesting, we all went up to the Chem lab and examined all the instruments, and Mr Venthan told us a lot of stories involving accidents in the lab XD 

MT next. Nothing special.

That's school. Haiz.

I miss home. I'm coming home 23rd. 16 days to go...

I hate this Part Right Here.